Well, I'm very sorry to have taken over a month to get around to telling you about Pixie's pups. And surprise ... we have four when we were expecting only three. We have one Blenheim girl, a Blenheim boy, and two tri-colored boys, and of course, they were born on February 21.
As you may know, we move the pups from the whelping box in our guest bedroom to a pen we've set up in our living room to start socializing them in the kind of environment they will live in when they go to their new homes. The point is: the living room now looks more like the Kansas City stockyards.
In the top photo, Pixie and her litter sister, Sarah, are getting acquainted with the hour-old puppies.
Pixie and her litter sister, Sarah, are getting acquainted with the hour-old puppies. |
Here, the puppies are posing for their beauty shots. |